澳门盈博官网登录 Alumnus Named New Thomasville Police Chief


From making siren noises as a child on his family farm to the pinnacle of the Thomasville Police Department, 澳门盈博官网登录 alumnus Roger Wade Glover was appointed the new Police Chief of Thomasville.  

Glover was named the City’s Police Chief in February after serving as Major in the police department’s Support 服务 Division since 2015.  

“I am humbled and honored to be chosen for this position,” Glover said. “It is an enormous responsibility that I am ready to embrace.”  

Glover’s ascension to his new position was cemented by his educational achievement at 澳门盈博官网登录, where he earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in 刑事司法.  

“Attending 澳门盈博官网登录 was very eye-opening,” Glover said. “就像我的爸爸妈妈, 我过着受庇护的生活, so I really didn’t start experiencing life until I went to college.” 

图片来源:Ursla Page Photography

Glover’s journey to becoming the Police Chief of Thomasville spanned more than three decades. Born and raised in Mitchell County, Glover and his family lived on a hog farm. They also raised chickens, reaped tobacco, and picked cotton to make a living.   

“这很难,”格洛弗说. “我在非常非常贫穷的环境中长大. If you never had to live in those times when you had to crop tobacco to make a living — the sharecropping days — then you wouldn’t understand how we survived. 并不是说我们生活在19世纪或20世纪初, 但当时的心态或思维过程是, 这就是你生存的方式.”  

在他上高中的时候, Glover said he was doing construction work after school and during the summer months so he could help to financially support his family. 他将帮助建造房屋和拆除屋顶.  

在经济进入衰退之后, 是什么影响了20世纪80年代的房地产市场, 格洛弗追求他真正的激情.   

“我一直想成为一名警察,”他说. “When you see all those kids running around and making siren noises, well, I was that kid. 两三岁,五岁的时候,我就是这么做的. 我们玩游戏的时候,我是警长.”  

Glover began working as a patrol officer at the Boston Police Department in Georgia.  

“I would ride around with an officer and do everything he would do,他说. “That was at a time when you didn’t have to be necessarily certified. You had one year where you could work before you had to be certified. 所有这些法律现在都变了. You have to be a certified police officer before you can go out in the field.”  

在波士顿警察局干了三年之后, he got the opportunity to join the Thomasville Police Department in 1993 as a patrol officer.  

他后来成为了一名缉毒员, 野战训练官, 也是刑事调查科的警探.  

Although Glover was excelling in his law enforcement career, 他还有其他的抱负, 但有些事情阻碍了这一进程.   

“I was a police officer, a regular patrol officer,他说. “I was a field officer at that time too because I was training other officers, 但说实话, some of the people I had trained were getting promoted over me. 当时, it was based on your educational level and how many points you would get in the promotional process. 如果你有一个四年制的学位, 你的总分加了20分, 所以他们是基于你的评估, 道德, 这些都是你的成绩. 如果你有一个四年制的学位,你得20分. 如果你有一个两年制的学位,你会加10分. I would excel in the police aspect of it — knowing policies and laws — but most of us knew that stuff. I could never get ahead because everyone who had a four-year degree, 在我第一次考试之前就把我打败了20分. So, I decided that I was going back to school, and I was going to get my education.” 

澳门盈博官网登录 presented Glover with the opportunity to earn his degree while working as a police officer full-time. 

澳门盈博官网登录 offered some incentives for your past experience, so all of the academy training would count towards your degree,他说 “澳门盈博官网登录 offered a program where if I had taken a 40-hour course in policing, 这可以算作我拿到学位的学分.  我获得了大约30到40个小时的学分, which is almost a two-year degree and then I finished up the rest of the classes on campus.” 

Some of the other classes Glover took exposed him to other subject areas that intrigued him.  

“我选修了人文学科课程,”他说. “它让我对艺术、音乐和诸如此类的东西大开眼界. I grew up in the country, so I didn’t think about things like that. 它让我看到了不同的文化. There were so many things that I learned that I wished I had attended college after high school. 我学到了很多. 我遇到了一些很棒的人. 我去实地考察. I even took a geology class where we learned about the rocks and mountains and all these things. 这对你来说可能不重要, but it interested me in how mountains formed and the (tectonic) plates. 直到上了大学我才意识到这一点. I had been a police officer at that time for probably about 15 or 16 years and never really understood the congressional and government process, 以及它是如何布局和投票的. 澳门盈博官网登录给了我更多的澳门盈博官方登录.” 

格洛弗2007年以优等成绩毕业于澳门盈博官网登录. For students planning to attend or attending 澳门盈博官网登录 with hopes of working in law enforcement, 格洛弗给出了这样的建议.  

“焦点!他说. 接受澳门盈博官方登录. Watch who you hang around with because whatever you do now affects you down the road. Anything that you do or don’t do will affect someone, including yourself. So, 如果你做得不对, if you hook up with someone with drugs and you get arrested, 你当执法人员的机会完了. Make the right choices because you are making an investment in your life. 专注于此.” 



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